About Me

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Corinth, Mississippi, United States
I'm 23 and some folks have told me that I'm rather mature for my age. I'm blunt though, sadly enough. I don't believe in beating around the bush about anything. I'm slowly trying to involve myself in politics and have ambitions for the field.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My thought for the day

Okay so I know I didn't post yesterday and it was looking like I wouldn't post today, buuut I figured I'd share a thought with everyone for the day which stems from a story.

Last night I went into the gas station and paid for gas but on my way out a lady in a van called me over.  She proceeded to explain that her mother had gotten rushed to the hospital in Tupelo (that's about 45 minutes away from Corinth where we were).  In their haste to leave, her husband had forgotten his wallet and they were needing some gas money.  My first thoughts, as always, were yep just someone trying to con a few bucks out of some ole sucker.  Then I looked into the man's eyes and he bowed his head, nothing but shame was across his face.  The lady looked sincere and apologetic for even having to ask someone so I slowly pulled out my wallet and handed them twenty dollars.

Now, I know that could have been a con.  I'm well aware of that and I'm not trying to brag about my good deed but rather share it with everyone else.  What would you do, if you were in their situation for real?  Perhaps the next time you see someone on the side of the road broke down, or the guy at the corner with a sign saying "Will Work For Food," the couple at the grocery store with a child who have to start putting a few items back because they're a little short, or that person telling you their misfortune at the gas station.  Maybe, just maybe you'll pause and think, "Hell Casey helped out a couple, I might as well too."  You know, if every American, everywhere, were to give to those in need around them we'd all be a lot better off.  Our conscious could go clean that the person got a little help and they'll remember and hopefully when they can return the favor.  So I behoove you all to go out of your way this week and help your fellow man.  Yes, I know we've all got bills, many of us are behind on them, but that's nothing like these other's situations.  Who knows, maybe that person you help might just be the person you'll depend on someday for help yourself and you wouldn't want them to remember you as the person who didn't help when they had the chance.

So if you had been in my position or if you had been in that couple's position, what would you have done?  Leave a comment below and share with the rest of us your thoughts on all this.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Say what Obama?


I encourage everyone to read that article.  Now I want to ask you, why in the HELL is the President fundraising?  He's already traveling for free, he already gets free time on tv, and it's not like him paying for ads is really going to make a difference at all in whether or not he gets elected.  He wants to talk about spending and all this bullcrap and how bad the economy is.  If he thought the economy was sooo bad off why is he out there trying to get millions of dollars to blow on a campaign.  Personally, if he were to announce in one of his press conferences, "I will not be fundraising for the coming election.  I had rather our already struggling economy not be pressed even further by the lack of necessity for me to campaign through paid means when there are a lot of avenues to advertise yourself and your beliefs for free."  If he said that, I'd have a little respect for him.

I HATE, HATE, HATE how the Democrats claim to be soo humanitarian, soo for the people, soo for rights, soo for unity but yet whenever a Democrat gets up to speak there is always one thing you know is about to happen.  He/she/it is about to bash a Republican.  Did they ever stop to think about the reason they can't get along is because they can't go five minutes without bashing the other person's ideologies without first listening to what they have to say?  Listening to the context and the beliefs.

That sign, "Tax the Rich" is just stupid and goes to show how undereducated about real life that Americans today are.  The rich are what pay the poor.  You start eliminating their wealth, they start eliminating their stocks, they start eliminating unnecessary employees, and what you promote then is even more without jobs, even more struggling, and even more companies folding up and needing bailouts.  Wake up folks!  Stop the fighting!  Work toward a TRUE AND HONEST solution.

Frankly that jobs act that he wants passed so badly is almost a replica of the one from 2 years ago and to be honest, it didn't do anything for us then.  The definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting different results.  We are insane.

Until we as Americans can vote on level headed, non-attacking, non-aggressive, and compromising officials we can continue to see the country venture the path it is currently on.

Don't follow the Ancient Greeks, Don't vote yourselves benefits.  It destroyed one democracy, it will destroy another.

I love this country with all my heart but I swear as a whole we've lost our minds.  Fifty years ago congress would have went without pay if they got in this situation.  They'd have eliminated steak dinners and went with mac&cheese.  They'd eliminated flying first class and went with coach seats.  They'd have cut every single possible expenditure that isn't an absolute necessity.  They would have solved the financial issues.  It's really quite simple and I'll paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "It ain't people getting taxed too little, it's the government spending too much."

A new experience

So I've got a friend who blogs a little and has an interesting blog.  I was bored, sitting here today and I thought to myself, "Casey you're full of useless information why not do your own blog."  So I set one up, then I thought hmm what sort of information do I want to share with people via blogging.  Politics!  Religion!  Abortion!  Gay Rights!  These will be topics I think I'll be commenting on. Why you ask?  Controversy sells.  People on the internet find folks who post about stuff they disagree or agree with then you start flaming wars and debates and generally generate a lot of traffic and then I get MY ideas out there to the public.  So this is exactly what I plan on sharing the most.  You don't like that?  You think I'm scheming for readers?  I don't care, it's MY blog and I'll do as I like.  Enjoy your day and watch as Obama dismantles this country every second he can!  :)